Troubleshooting (Case status)

If there are any issues with a case, you may see one of the following status: Case closed, Contact Innersight, Scans not suitable, which can be followed up with a response via email to or the feedback box in the case details by clicking the ‘Reply’ button

Sign up page step status
'Case closed'

Cases can be closed for various reasons, for example: The clinician no longer requires a 3D model, suitable scans for 3D were unavailable, the planned procedure was cancelled.

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'Contact Innersight'

There has been a request by the Innersight team for more information to help process the case. You can reply to the message via the email notification or by clicking ‘Reply’ to leave your response in the feedback section.

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'Scans not suitable'

The scans received are not suitable for building a 3D model. You can reply to the message via the email notification or by clicking ‘Reply’ to leave your response in the feedback section, or simply use the ‘Reupload’ button.

Still have questions?
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Our support team is available to assist you.
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